Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I started this blog June 10th and saved it. I was conflicted as you will see. I summed it up and finished it today...

If you had asked me what my goals were when I was 18, I would have said (in fact, I did say) that by the time I'm 27 I want to have gotten my degree, have a teaching job, be married and have 2 kids. I think God laughs when we tell Him our plans, but thankfully He also listens. My goals were certainly not reached in the order I predicted when I was 18, but they were reached. I'm 27, have an amazing husband, who is an amazing father to our two quirky, intelligent, hilarious, adorably rotten children (ages 5 and 7) . I graduated with my bachelor's yesterday and I accepted a teaching position last week.

So, the big question I've been asked a hundred times in the last few days, "How do you feel now?" I've had trouble answering this question because I feel like I cannot feel proud without feeling a lot of humility. Nobody accomplishes anything huge without a lot of support. And I cannot even begin to explain my support system. Let's just say that my real life "circles" include that amazing hubby I mentioned earlier, the best parents, brothers, sisters, and in-laws anybody could ever ask for, grandparents that have truly saved me from drowning more times than I care to admit, and a plethora of friends who have served as last minute babysitters, cheerleaders, or shoulders to cry on regularly in the last 9 years. I feel that few people in my circumstances would have been able to accomplish completing a college degree without such a support system and I am so grateful God gave me the one He did.

So I guess my point is that I have to give credit where credit is due. It would be easy to go on about having reached my goals, but the truth is that this has been a combined effort. We've all gotten me through college and I owe my family big time for that. Unfortunately, I am now leaving them all to move 700 miles away. Maybe they'll see this as me repaying them with a break! Who knows? But I'm sure going to miss everybody. But, God wouldn't have brought my family through all of this, given me that amazing support system and a vision and passion for teaching children, if He didn't have big plans in mind. He's sending us to Mississippi so that's where we'll go.


  1. Wishing you all the very best!!! We'll miss you, but now we have another reason to visit Mississippi! You are taking a leap of faith...but not to worry. God wouldn't ask you to jump off a cliff unless He was planning to give you wings to fly! Soar! Embrace it all! I can't wait to see all He has in store for you and your precious family! :)

  2. I know this is a crazy late comment to your comment, but what you said was so sweet. Thank you for this and for all of the support you've given our family. Love you!
