Saturday, July 14, 2012

Teacher Blog Insomnia

Okay. It's one in the morning and I should not still be awake but here's the thing. I have become obsessed with teacher blogs! I don't know if its my worry about not being prepared for the new school year as a new (first time ever) teacher or maybe my need to be overly prepared with very little information except what grade I'm teaching and that I think they use Common Core standards, but it seems that the minute I click on a new blog, they have a link for another one that sounds super fun! Then after I've been sucked in, I get further sucked in by "freebies," and for a new teacher, "beg, steal, and borrow" is kinda my motto at the moment. How cool is it that all of these seasoned teachers give me their ideas for FREE?! I have downloaded more things than I know what to do with right now, but one day when I have them all organized into their own little folders inside other slightly larger folders on my flash drive, I will look back and think how smart I was for staying up past one in the morning being sucked in by (I mean, professionally researching) teacher blogs. Currently, I just remembered that I have to throw my sister's baby shower tomorrow and I probably should do so after having had some sleep. Geeze Louise, these days are flying by too quickly!


  1. I love the new look! You'll be a great teacher... I have no doubt! :)

  2. You're so sweet!!! Thank you! You'll be a great step-mother-in-law... I have no doubt! :)
