Friday, July 13, 2012

Is this a dream?

I really have nothing to say, but for the sake of consistency and not wanting to go a month without writing again I'm going to ramble on about unimportant details anyway. To be honest, I wish I had something to say because then I would feel as though things were progressing and this weren't all some big figment of my imagination I'd dreamed up.

So here's the update, as short as it is. My Nana and I went to Mississippi to visit and, with much frustration and A LOT of my grandmother's gas, found me a place to live. Apparently there's some big power plant being built and it's brought in tons of people and eaten up all the rental homes and apartments (seriously, NO APARTMENTS!). We found three places. The first one was a house in a decent school district, but we didn't really think it was worth how much they were asking (aren't things supposed to be cheaper in the south???). The second was a single wide mobile home in a really good school district. Here's how that went: we drove miles and miles and miles into the backwoods country, turned at a bunch of broken down vehicles/dump yard, and finally found four trailers parked behind a row of trees. Three other trailers rented by single men in close proximity to my family out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by miles of trees and nothing else was not really the sense of security I was seeking for my family. Also, the place was a dump and again, outrageously priced. Okay, third place. Also a single wide mobile home in a great school district, but this one was in a trailer park close to town. Not too shabby and much safer feeling. It wasn't too nice looking from the outside but when we got in it was actually quite large and live-in-able (it seemed) despite a slight weird odor that I figured could be taken care of with some fresh air and candles. Until we looked down and saw little black pepper-sized bugs all over our legs and feet. Seriously, ALL OVER our legs. EWWWW!!!! Apparently, the previous owner had a lot of cats and they had been battling cat fleas for months with no such luck. The owner was convinced that they could have them gone by the time we moved down so I (don't judge me, I was desperate) told him I would take it if the fleas were gone with a 6 month lease (as opposed to the year he was asking) and $300 less a month. He basically laughed at me and told me some plant workers would take it with the flea problem for the (very high) price he was asking. We went back to our hotel and I cried my eyes out and in pathetic desperation called my husband and told him we were not moving to "that dreadful place" and I would just substitute in Ohio until the job market changed. He sensitively told me he worked too hard to get me through school, he had already quit his job, and we WERE moving. I went back the next day and took the first place we looked at, which quite honestly seemed like a mansion after the others. 

Also, while in Mississippi, I visited the school I would be working at. I planned on seeing my classroom and leaving all my things but nobody could tell me where it was going to be and, in the midst of all the "where are we going to live" craziness, I was kind of afraid to leave anything in Mississippi as I was not too sure I ever wanted to return. So the school is an inner-city, old school (definitely a stark contrast to the farming school I student taught in last year) but that much I expected. Since being there, I have heard very little from anybody in the district. I gave them my email and they said they would be forwarding messages to me regarding meetings and important info but I having heard anything yet. I'm trying to keep in mind that it is summer, but again I'm feeling a little bit like I dreamed all of this up... 

So here's my current perspective. I will be happy when I have friends and students. People make you love a place and I love people. If nothing else, I'll drag my family to my Aunt's house every weekend to spend time with them. I already love those people. :)

By the way, we leave in 12 days. I start work in 18 days. 

1 comment:

  1. Plus, you'll be adding family officially in just 5 days, and they all live in Mississippi! Yay! :)

    Seriously... praying for you as you make this huge leap of faith! Even without a Starbucks, it could still be your Promised Land... you just never know! I'm excited to see what He has in store for all of you!
